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About eduroam service

 - You can now issue eduroam visitor accounts. (June 19, 2023)
 - If there is an entry field for "Domain" when setting up the connection for Android OS or other devices, enter the following domain. (Nov. 22, 2023)
   domain : federated-id.eduroam.jp

【About eduroam】
 eduroam is a wireless LAN service for higher education and research institutions with international ID reciprocity.
 Kyushu University is a participating institution of eduroam, and Kyushu University members can use eduroam at other universities.
 To use eduroam, you will need an account for eduroam provided by the National Institute of Informatics.
 If you have an eduroam account, you can use the SSID "eduroam" that is displayed on the screen.
 ・eduroam JP

【New Account Issuance / Issued and revoke ID/Password】
 You can create a new eduroam account (self-account/visitor account) from the following page.
 You can also review and revoke your issued account information here.
 ・eduroamJP Federated ID Service
   https://federated-id.eduroam.jp/ (JP)

【Visitor Account】
 Faculty and staff members can log in to the eduroamJP Federated ID Service with their personal SSO-KIDs, and visitor accounts can be issued.
 *Only faculty and staff can issue visitor accounts; students cannot.
 *Visitor accounts can only be used on the Kyushu University campus and cannot be used at other institutions.
 *A maximum of 10 accounts with a validity of 1 week and a maximum of 10 accounts with a validity of 1 month can be issued.
 *Since it is prohibited to provide the same account to multiple visitors, one account must be issued per user.
 If you need to provide more visitors than the number of accounts available, you will need to apply for a kitenet temporary use account as before.
 ・Application Form for Temporary Use of the University-wide Wireless LAN for Off-Campus Users
  https://www.nc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/apply/ (JP)

【Location of eduroam available in Kyushu University】
 The eduroam service is available at locations where eduroam is "〇" in the following list of installation locations.
 ・List of kitenet (JP)

 If you cannot use eduroam at the venue of a conference or seminar, or if you want to know if the venue is within the service area, please contact the following.
  Information Network Section, Information Technology Infrastructure Division, Information System Department, Kyushu University
  *Please replace "(a)" with "@" above.