(病院)QTnet 回線工事に伴うネットワークの停止ついて(2023/4/18)

 QTnet により実施される天神と病院地区間の光ケーブルの地中化工事により、下記の日程でネットワークが停止いたします。ご迷惑をお掛け致しますが、何卒、宜しくお願い致します。


 日時:令和 5 年 4 月 18 日 (火) 午前 03:10 ~ 午前 04:30 (80分間)

※Microsoft 365(OneDrive、Teams 等)、全学基本メールサービス等の学外クラウドサービスを病院キャンパス外からご利用される場合は影響を受けません。


(This document is translated using the AI translator DeepL.)

Dear network administrator

Thank you very much for your cooperation in the operation of campusnetwork (KITE).
Due to the optical wiring work between Tenjin and Hospital campus by QTnet, the network will be down during the following period.

<Hospital campus>
Date and Time : Tuesday, April 18, 2023 03:10 a.m. – 04:30 a.m. (80minutes)
Affected area : Communication between the inside of the Hospital campus and the outside of the Hospital campus will be stopped.

*Caution : Even on other campuses, networks connected to these campuses via VLAN etc. will be affected.
*Off-campus cloud services such as Microsoft 365 (OneDrive, Teams, etc.)
and Kyushu University primary mail service are not affected when used from outside Hospital Campus.